Category: Guest Articles
September 23, 2019
VI. Free Radicals vs. Antioxidants
Essential oils are a phenomenal weapon in the fight against aging. They help work against free radicals to create younger-looking skin. What are free radicals, you ask? Click to read more!
September 22, 2019
V. Customized Applications
Customized essential oils for salon use should be added as needed to single applications.
If you are going to use an augmented product on more than one client, you can mix a larger amount. Click here to read more!
September 21, 2019
IV. Carrier Oils
Carrier oils, also referred to as base oils or vegetable oils, are used to dilute essential oils, and absolutes before applying to the skin. They ’carry’ the essential oil onto the skin. Different carrier oils offer different properties and the choice of carrier oil can depend on the therapeutic benefit being sought.
September 20, 2019
III. Making Scents of Essential Oils
Essentials Oils are often described by their. Read more in this article to learn about making scents of essential oils!
September 19, 2019
II. Essential Oils (EOs) Are Essential to Aromatherapy
Essential oils are made from flowers, herbs and tree parts, like bark, roots, resins and petals. The cells that give a plant its fragrant smell are its “essence.” When an essence is extracted from a plant, it becomes an essential oil. It takes a lot of plant material to make essential oils. More than 200 pounds of lavender flowers are used to make just 1 pound of lavender essential oil.
September 18, 2019
I. What is Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a form of herbal medicine that has existed for thousands of years and incorporates Essential Oils. People have used Aromatherapy to help cope with stress and psychological problems or as a cure for pain and disease.